View Account Details

Select the "Account Management" option from the main menu.

The Account Management Menu shows all the account details available for the current user account.

The account management widow shows the following account information:

  • The user account name
  • The number of available processing credits on the user account
  • The number of devices registered to the account
  • The maximum number of devices that can be registered to the user account
  • The number of license operational days left on the user account
  • The daily limit account credit quota assigned to the account if applicable
  • Whether the user account has technology rights in the country of registration
  • The country the user account is registered to operating in
  • The number of free 0 Credit 10ms processing credits left on the user account for the current day

the additional option available to the account management menu are as follows:

Purchase credit function - this function will allow the user to purchase credits on the user account using a PayPal purchase portal.

Load a token function - This function will allow the user to load an ATS provided account token that can add time, credits, devices and more to the user account.

De register device function - This function will allow the user to de-register the current device from the users account.

Password reminder function - This function will allow the user to have the current user account password to be sent to the users registered email address.

Reset account password function - This function will allow the user to reset the user account password.